
I am finding these posts are a little harder to find time to write during the summer! Just got back last night from an awesome trip with my whole family…actually a Christmas present from my parents! 🙂  Twenty of us in all…my parents, my 3 siblings with spouses, 8 nieces and nephews, and my husband and two children. So fun to have time to relax and just hang together!!

I made these popovers a little earlier in the month because I knew we would be gone but I should have written the blog at the same time.  My family must be the only ones who have never had popovers…the recipe made it sound like it is one of everyone’s favorites.  They were easy enough…very straight forward recipe. If you would like the recipe check out our host bloggers Paula and Amy.

I used my regular muffin pan and expected beautiful, delicious popovers to have with our dinner.  I am not sure what I did wrong but mine did not pop very high and a lot of them were just air in the middle….maybe overcooked??  I even took them out early because they looked like they were browning too much.  Well, you can’t love them all.  The family wasn’t too impressed and even with the easy recipe, I don’t think I would say these were a keeper.  Onward we go…can’t wait for next month’s recipes! 🙂

Berry Galette

I am thinking that I am probably not alone wondering what a ‘Galette‘ is or how to pronounce it…in fact no one in my family had heard of it but after making this…we know now, and I am sure they will be requesting a ‘Galette’ often! 🙂

The recipe starts out, “This, as heirloom cookbooks used to say, is a keeper. (I liked that phrase :)) It is called a galette because the filling is piled in the center and the crust is flat, open-faced, and free form.”  The recipe called for making the galette mixed berry but suggested that any stone fruit, apples, or pears would work fine.  Since the dough would make 2 galettes, I figured I would make one berry and one apple so I might like it. 🙂  If you would like the recipe, check out our host blogs by Lisa and Andrea.

I wasn’t sure which mixed berries I would use so while at the store I found strawberries and blueberries…since the blueberries didn’t go over that well in our house with the last pie recipe I thought I would go with only strawberry. I got  home and read the recipe more thoroughly and saw that it clearly stated using strawberries alone is not a good idea because they become too watery…great!  So, what do I have that we can improvise with…I ended up mixing the strawberries with nectarines that we had….they worked with blueberries in the last pie, figured it would work ok in this recipe too! 🙂

Since I love apples, the extra one was made with apples, cinnamon, and a little brown sugar…yum!

So far, so good…really easy!  These smelled great while they were cooking and we could hardly wait while they cooled down a bit.  After my last pie experience, I was a little nervous about how these would taste….they were ABSOLUTELY wonderful!  We all LOVED them…totally a keeper!!  We all preferred the apple/cinnamon combination…SO tastey and so light.  I am not a pie eater and I loved this recipe.