Vanilla Pound Cake


This recipe would be called a “fail”.  Interesting after all the recipes we have baked…some of them quite involved…THIS would be the one, I mean a POUND CAKE: Cooking 101.

The ironic twist in all of this was my husband and I pulled off a gigantic save only two days before!!  We were down at our beach house for the fourth of July weekend and my son had a few friends join us.  I had been making dinner…mind you these are very hungry 18/19 year old boys…I go to put the pizza spaghetti casserole in the oven and nothing!  The oven will not turn on.  After panicking for a few moments my husband says “lets just put in on the BBQ and get it indirect heat”.  So we do, and it works perfectly…so perfectly that we decide to try it with my chocolate bundt cake that I was suppose to be making as well.  I can tell you I did not have as high of hopes for the cake as the casserole…I mean so many things could go wrong with this idea….BUT it worked!!!  It tasted the exact same as when I bake it in the oven.  It was amazing.

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So two days later I am at home, I guess somewhat underestimating this recipe.  I used the same bundt pan and…here is the problem…I only sprayed the pan with Pam like I always do and opted to not butter and flour.  I have used this pan I don’t know how many times…this doesn’t happen.   As you can see, it was a disaster.  I will have to say, although it looked terrible, it did taste fine…and I learned, if it says butter and flour, I will! 🙂

