Peanut Butter Change-Ups


Here we are again…I am not sure I will be able to keep up this pace with weekly baking/blogging.  Thankfully I made these when I did the apple crumble last week.

These were good, everyone enjoyed them…regular peanut butter cookies with a twist.  They are not flattened and criss-crossed as your traditional cookie, but rather rolled in a ball and left alone.  This makes them crispy on the edges but more cake-like in the center.

This recipe packs a strong peanut butter punch!!  It not only has peanut butter, but you also add a cup of chopped peanuts as well.  To me, the cookies seemed to be begging for chocolate, so I added some chocolate chips into the last part of the batter.  Surprisingly, you couldn’t taste the chocolate at all…the peanut butter flavor was that strong!!  I guess I should have left things alone haha!



6 thoughts on “Peanut Butter Change-Ups

  1. One thing I have learned from baking with my TWD friends in BFMHTY is that they are all wild about chocolate so I was not surprised that chocolate was going to be making an appearance with the peanut butter cookies! I could see it peeking out in your first photo…so cute. Your cookies look wonderful.

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